Interessant für Sammler ist, dass für den Export Modelle entwickelt wurden, die in Deutschland nicht verkauft wurden. Das heißt, eine amerikanische Sammlerin kann Möbel in ihrer Sammlung haben, die hier in Deutschland nie angeboten werden.
In Germany the sixties were the time of a national economic miracle and the small firm of Bodo Hennig was also flourishing after a difficult start in the fifties. They began exporting their modern and well crafted furniture for doll's houses. First to neighbour countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands but the United States would later become their best customer. Some models were especially produced for the american market and were never sold in Germany - I do realize that an american collector may have items of Bodo Hennig that I will never even see on!
Ich entdeckte ein paar dieser Möbelstücke in diesem Katalog:
I discovered some of those rare pieces in this catalogue:

(all photos from
Dieses Küchenmöbelprogramm gab es in Deutschland 1967 gar nicht mehr, vorher wurde es nicht in hellblau hergestellt und auch der Herd hatte in Deutschland keine hochgezogene Rückseite.
Bodo Hennig kitchen with cupboard and fridge in lightblue - never on sale in Germany. 1967 a new kitchen model was offered in Germany and that old type which was sold painted orange or yellow was not in the catalogue any more.

I suppose music/TV box and lamps are of Hennig - the piano, too? A music box in doll's furniture is typical for Hennig.
Diese aus Draht gebogenen Gartenmöbel wurden 1957 bis 1981 verkauft!
The Hennig furniture on the terrace was not altered for export.
They were made of bended wire and were sold from 1957 to 1981!
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