Selten erhält man ein Puppenhaus, das über die Jahre nicht verändert wurde. Dieses kleine Blechpuppenhaus ist so ein Glücksfall. Weder Rost noch Dellen sind zu finden und sogar ein Teil der Möbel und die komplette Familie haben überlebt.
It is very seldom to get a doll's house which is yet very old but nearly unchanged. This little house in a smaller than Lundby scale is made of tin but in very good condition. There is an short english description of it in an ad of 1961 at the end of the post.
Die Fenster und zweiteiligen Balkontüren sind aus Acryl und lassen sich öffnen.
Some pieces of the furniture and the family have survived the years. The doors and windows of acrylic glass can be opened.
Das Haus konnte durch Kabel, die durch den Außenkamin gingen, beleuchtet werden. Der Kaminaufsatz auf dem Dach fehlt.
The house could be illuminated, the cables went through the chimney. The chimney on the house is missing.
Am Ende des Posts hat Rebecca einige Informationen über die Herstellerfirma ausgegraben - sehr interessant.
Please note Rebecca's information about the firm at the end of the post - very interesting.
Die Frau steht in seltsam provokanter Pose - was soll es wohl ausdrücken? Guckt Euch mein tolles Haus an?
Unusual pose of the woman - what does it mean? Look at my fabulous house?
My favourite room - Mein Lieblingszimmer
Das aufklappbare Dach erlaubt einen besseren Einblick in die erste Etage. Hier sehen wir das freundliche Kinderzimmer und das leere Badezimmer. Durch die Zwischenwände aus Acryl ist es nicht so dunkel und eng in diesem Haus, eine gute Idee des Designers.
A folding roof permits a better view of the upper rooms. Here, the friendly children's room and the empty bathroom. I think it was a good idea to separate the rooms by acrylic glass thus gaining more light.
Und das ist eine Anzeige aus dem Branchenmagazin "Das Spielzeug" von 1961:
And that is the ad in the german Toy Magazine of 1961:
Und zum Schluss noch Rebecca's Forschungsergebnisse zu der deutschen Firma Tipp:
And finally Rebecca's research results about the german firm Tipp:
Rebecca's Collections
I'm not sure why it says one-storied!
Fascinating that this was made at the same time by both Tipp in Germany and Mettoy in Britain. I know that Ullmann and Katz, who founded Tipp, moved to Britain in the 30s and founded Mettoy, but I haven't read about post-war history of Tipp. Now I've just found a website which has some history of Tipp & Co, and says "After the War Ullmann regained control of Tipp & Co in 1948 and with his son Henry managed the two toy firms." So no wonder they could make the same models!
The link is and it's actually part of the Powerhouse Museum (in Sydney) website!
Fascinating that this was made at the same time by both Tipp in Germany and Mettoy in Britain. I know that Ullmann and Katz, who founded Tipp, moved to Britain in the 30s and founded Mettoy, but I haven't read about post-war history of Tipp. Now I've just found a website which has some history of Tipp & Co, and says "After the War Ullmann regained control of Tipp & Co in 1948 and with his son Henry managed the two toy firms." So no wonder they could make the same models!
The link is and it's actually part of the Powerhouse Museum (in Sydney) website!
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