Doppelstube von Bodo Hennig von ca. 1972. Wann gab es jemals wieder so viel orange in den Puppenstuben?
Of about 1972. Was there ever so much orange in a dolls house?
Morning pint? There are only Caco men present, dressed in jeans and corduroy suits with ties. Matching the orange corduroy sofa and armchairs. All accessories are from Bodo Hennig with the exception of the wooden bowls and can in the cupboard.
On the table the logo of Hennig printed on the miniature wooden book. All pieces of furniture are wooden partly with metal feet.
Here is the only piece of furniture not by Hennig: the hi-fi equipment is by Lundby, a speciality of them, I believe. Above an enamel picture.
Vor den orangen Tapeten hebt sich die Stehlampe kaum ab.
With all that orange you can barely see the floor lamp.
Alles passt perfekt zusammen und könnte direkt aus damaligen italienischen Möbelkatalogen stammen. Im Wohnzimmer der Eltern sah es sicher anders aus.
Everything fits perfectly together and reminds me of shopwindows of a very stylish italian furniture shop. Would the parent's living rooms have looked like that too?
Meine Hennig-Lampen aus dieser Zeit auf einem Blick. Darunter ein Foto einer Möbelverpackung von Bodo Hennig.
All my lamps of Bodo Hennig from this time. Below a photo of a furniture-box.
Im nächsten Post stelle ich das Schlafzimmer vor.
My next post will introdruce the bedroom.
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