Also verkauft jeder Laden etwas anderes. Bei diesem Kunststoffladen von Anfang der 60er musste ich erst etwas überlegen.
As I have a few old shops in my collection, I find it quite boring to equip each one with the same food packages. So each shop sells something diffferent. This shop made out of plastic from the early 60s proved to be a problem at first.
The ad of 1962 shows a similar shop, but I prefer my shop window on the right, my board for the prices and the clock on the wall.
Er ist etwas beschädigt, aber das stört mich nicht so sehr. Dass die Schubladen bis auf eine fehlen und die Spiegelwand gut zu sehen ist, brachte mich auf die Idee: eine Kneipe.
It is a little bit damaged and the drawers apart of one are missing so the mirror is more clearly to be seen and so I decided: it would be a pub.

All alcohol-related items of my collection I put into this bar or pub, beer mugs, bottles ... and it proved to be a lot. That generation did not have a problem with children imitating the alcohol habits of their parents. The furnishing is out of plastic too, on the left of Jean (West-Germany) and on the right of the GDR.
In the middle the golden sign of the company "Crailsheimer" and above a souvenir of the 50s, the small tags of fortune symbols were meant to identify the glass of everybody on the party.
Schon ein Jahr später waren die goldenen Zeiten des Tante-Emma-Ladens vorbei und auch die Firma Crailsheimer bot einen der modernen Selbstbedienungsläden an.
Only one year later the golden times of small shops with a shop assistant behind a counter came to an end and this toy company hurried to offer a self-service supermarket for children.
My next post will deal with alcohol, barmaids and throphies...
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